Leaning Into Social Distancing: Planning for Politics
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Leaning Into Social Distancing: Planning for Politics
Presented by Thomas J. Pauloski
Although the capital markets have recovered somewhat from March 2020 lows, there are still many undervalued assets and asset classes that may be ideal candidates for wealth transfer. In addition, yields on Treasury securities, which drive many estate planning strategies, are at or near all-time lows. Of these two factors—market valuation and interest rates—valuation is, by far, the more important, whether the transfer strategy is a gift, GRAT, or installment sale to an “intentionally defective” grantor trust.
Thursday - January 21, 2021
Noon to 1:00 p.m.
Advance reservations required - Zoom information sent in registration confirmation
THOMAS J. PAULOSKI is National Managing Director for Wealth Planning and Analysis, the research division of Bernstein Private Wealth Management’s Private Client Group. He works with private clients and their advisors on wealth transfer strategies, focusing on tax-efficient wealth management and asset allocation decisions. Previously, Tom was a partner at the Chicago law firm of Winston & Strawn LLP, where he concentrated his practice in estate, tax, and business planning. Tom also has been a member of the Chicago law firm of Levin & Schreder, Ltd., a Vice President in the Private Client Group of Zurich Life in Long Grove, Illinois, and a partner at the Chicago law firm of Schiff Hardin & Waite.
Tom is a nationally known speaker on estate planning, tax, and insurance issues, and has written numerous articles and continuing legal education materials on estate planning topics. He serves on the faculty of the American Bankers Association National Trust and National Graduate Trust Schools, and has served on the adjunct faculty of the Cannon Financial Institute Schools. Tom has been an adjunct professor at Loyola University Chicago School of Law and has taught estate planning classes at Northwestern University Law School. Tom also has served on the editorial board of Trusts & Estates magazine. He retired from the United States Naval Reserve in 2003, after 21 years of service.
Tom received his bachelor of science degree in environmental engineering from Northwestern University, and his juris doctor, magna cum laude, from Loyola University Chicago School of Law, where he served as editor-in-chief of the Loyola Law Journal.