Guns and Roses: What Elder Law Attorneys Need to Know About Dementia and Gun Ownership

Dementia comes in many forms and affects individuals differently. Some individuals may become violent, may suffer paranoia or delusions or live in the past. If those individuals own guns, the danger can escalate for both the individual and others around them. Issues arise as to what can be done, what should be done and how to protect everyone in the process.
Using a hypothetical of a World War II veteran, Mr. Jones, who is diagnosed with dementia and has guns in the home, this webinar will look at the variety of issues that arise and suggest practical solutions.
After this presentation, the participants will be able to:
- Articulate what the red flag laws are and how they apply to individuals with guns and dementia.
- Recognize the ethical obligations and restrictions attorneys face when dealing with gun ownership and dementia.
- List the actions that can be taken by family and attorneys when they become concerned about an individual with dementia who owns a gun.
This program is offered FREE for SEPC guests.
The link to join the Zoom session will be sent the week of the meeting to all registrants.
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